Case Study

The Secret of a 0.01% Misdelivery Rate in Cosmetics Distribution

July 17, 2024

Beauty brands are continuously creating a variety of products based on rapidly changing trends. Customers who consume these products are becoming increasingly personalized in their preferences. Even when they make a purchase, they do not settle for a single product or platform. Instead, they exhibit a nomadic consumption pattern, constantly searching for products that suit them best.

Consumers compare various factors such as product quality, reasonable pricing, delivery speed, and customer service even when purchasing a single cosmetic product. Venice F&B, a specialized cosmetics distribution company, meets all these criteria, earning the trust and choice of consumers.

The reason Venice F&B has established itself as a prominent company in the beauty distribution industry over the past 10 years is due to its differentiated logistics management. We had the opportunity to hear more about this from Hyunwook Hong, the General Manager of the Business Division at Venice F&B.

“I ordered 10 and got 9" How to resolve a cosmetics misdelivery claim

When selling cosmetics wholesale and retail, we often receive inquiries about incorrect quantities being delivered. Inquiries like, "I ordered 30 items, but only received 27," or "I ordered 10 items, but only received 9." When we receive such inquiries, we immediately send the Realpacking video to the customer. After that, we don’t hear any further complaints.

Before implementing Realpacking, when claims about incorrect quantities were made, we had no way to verify them and often had to resend the items. Some customers took advantage of this. Now, when a claim like "one item is missing" comes in, we respond with, "We will send you a video of our packing process. Please review it and respond." This transparency has increased customer satisfaction and eliminated fraudulent claims.

Misdelivery rate of 0.01%, and decreasing
Venice F&B logistics center using Realpacking

Thanks to our diligent employees, our misdelivery rate was not high compared to other companies. However, after using Realpacking, it decreased even further. We handle around 200,000 orders a month, and now we have less than 20 misdeliveries per month. This translates to an incredibly low rate of 0.01%.

Also, Realpacking is beneficial for training in logistics. Since logistics often involves hiring part-timers, newcomers inevitably make many mistakes. Realpacking helps a lot in such cases. By recording the work process for each invoice, we can review the footage to identify common mistakes and determine what needs improvement, using it as feedback material.

Maintain your existing work methods and logistics system with simple integration!
Check out the detailed footage of Venice F&B’s logistics site utilizing Realpacking in the video!

We record the process of printing invoices, placing items, and taping packages using Realpacking. Each invoice has its own video, so when needed, we can quickly find the video by entering the invoice number, allowing us to resolve customer service issues promptly.

Realpacking offers various recording types, making it convenient to use according to the processes and systems of different logistics centers. Whether handling large or small quantities, it can be easily integrated with your own logistics program or other WMS. Additionally, even without integration, Realpacking can be used independently in multiple ways, making it versatile for any company.

<p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:20px"> "Realpacking is the essential safety net for logistics companies.” </span></p>

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